Because astronauts work in space, they are affected by solar flares and other high-energy particles from the sun. Although working inside the ISS is safe, working in a spacesuit can place astronauts in harms way. It is believed that a trip to mars and back may be a highly risky journey leading to significant long-term risks for cancer in the returning travelers. Not just astronauts are affected.
Airline pilots and flight crews, as well as frequent fliers, receive increased doses of radiation from solar flares.

Satellite Anomalies
Satellite Anomalies
Mars Travel & Radiation Exposure
Mars Travel & Radiation Exposure
Mission Success: The Magic of Mars Odyssey
Mission Success: The Magic of Mars Odyssey
Mars Odyssey Image: MARIE: Estimated Radiation Dosage on Mars
Mars Odyssey Image: MARIE: Estimated Radiation Dosage on Mars
Airlines - Radiation Exposure
Radiation Exposure of Air Carrier Crewmembers – FAA AC 120-52
Radiation Exposure of Air Carrier Crewmembers - FAA AC 120-52
Solar Flares and Air Travel
Solar Flares and Air Travel
Travel by air: health considerations
Travel by air: health considerations
Cosmic Radiation Exposure and Air Travel
Cosmic Radiation Exposure and Air Travel
What is Space Weather and Who Should Forecast It?
What is Space Weather and Who Should Forecast It?
Validity of the Linear No-Threshold Theory of Radiation Carcinogenesis at Low Doses
Validity of the Linear No-Threshold Theory of Radiation Carcinogenesis at Low Doses
Radiation Effects – Hiroshima
Radiation Effects - Hiroshima