Cosmic rays stream down into Earth’s atmosphere from the sun and elsewhere beyond the solar system. Recent studies show that these particles penetrate into the troposphere and alter the way that droplets condense to form clouds, rain and snow with important weather and climate consequences. Changes in the sun’s ultraviolet light affects the ozone layer and the energy input into the upper atmosphere. As the upper atmosphere is heated, it expands into space causing increased friction for satellites.
The ISS must be ‘re-boosted’ every three months to prevent it from burning up in the atmosphere. The Skylab station on July 11, 1979 reentered prematurely because of a solar storm event.

Space Weather & Climate Change Trends
Space Weather & Climate Change Trends
The Maunder Minimum and Climate Change: Have Historical Records Aided Current Research?
The Maunder Minimum and Climate Change: Have Historical Records Aided Current Research?
What’s Driving Climate Change in the 20th Century – Changes in Solar Radiation or the Buildup of Greenhouse Gases?
What's Driving Climate Change in the 20th Century - Changes in Solar Radiation or the Buildup of Greenhouse Gases?
Maunder Minimum
Maunder Minimum
Global Warming: The Balance of Evidence and Its Policy Implications
Global Warming: The Balance of Evidence and Its Policy Implications
Unusual activity of the Sun during recent decades compared to the previous 11,000 years
Unusual activity of the Sun during recent decades compared to the previous 11,000 years
The influence of cosmic rays on terrestrial clouds and global warming
The influence of cosmic rays on terrestrial clouds and global warming
Cosmic Rays Received
Cosmic Rays Received
Cross-Spectral Analysis of Sunspots and Monthly Mean Temperature and Precipitation for the Contiguous United States
Cross-Spectral Analysis of Sunspots and Monthly Mean Temperature and Precipitation for the Contiguous United States
Climate Change
Climate Change